Those were the days by Mary Hopkin
This is yet another song that I have always liked. I first heard this in
1979. Here it is:
10 years ago
I don't know if you have heard of the great poet and
translator, A. K. Ramanujan.This is his translation
from the Poems of Love and War. Later on, Vikram
Chandra's novel took it's title from here. His novel
was called Red Earth and Pouring Rain.This translation
has also been there in the London Underground. This is
a famous poem. And certainly, a famous translation. How
would we interpret these love poems witha difference?
What He Said
Trans. by A. K. Ramanujan
What could my mother be
to yours? What kin is my father
to yours anyway? And how
did you and I meet ever?
But in love our hearts are as red
earth and pouring rain:
mingled beyond parting.
Cembulappeyani:ra:r (Kuruntokai 40)
Writing across the city
The Writing Across the City project aims to address the various cultures of writing that exist in the city of Mumbai, across linguistic, disciplinary and social divides. By examining the various proliferating modes of writing, which include forms and genres that are both creative and critical, we hope to uncover and understand the network of processes that underpin urban identity formation at various inter-connected levels.
We highly recommend Roomy Naqvy for complex technical translation services….He is an extremely talented, professional and prompt translator and we consider him an asset to our team.
I have never been at Harvard but one does read a lot about how to get into top notch business schools. One not only needs good grades but one should also display some kind of business/entrepreneurial or management experience. So, running a burger stand might help.
Warren Buffett used to throw two newspapers in the morning while at school and by the time, he was 16 yrs old, he had already accumulated $6000 of his own money. He also bought a used Mercedes car and rented it out on a profit.
In my organization, I have witnessed conflict at work. I work in a university.....I don't know how it might be in an American or British university but I could tell you about some of my experiences.
In 1997, I translated a great number of poems and stories and published them in a very reputed Indian journal. That particular issue carried 35 pages of my translations, whereas the issue itself was 175 pages. I was young and full of enthusiasm. I took the journal issue to one of my seniors at my workplace.....He said, "You would earn a lot of money"....I expected him to say, "Well done, my boy, keep it up" or perhaps, smile and congratulate me or take me out for coffee or ask me to take him out etc. I was put off but I said, "Sir, I don't really know." To which, he again reiterated the same point. His voice was somber and expression serious. I was quite angry and took two days to recover.
In 2005, we are going to speak about another senior person. I was interviewed by Dr. Tim Altanero of Texas for an article he published on translating airline menus. I got the magazine and showed it to another senior. ...........This person kind of mocked my words where I was quoted. I knew he would react in a similar fashion but I showed it to him to 'test' him. I was proved right. I didn't feel bad
and when they say this, I tell myself, these are exceptionally insecure people who would probably be failures anywhere in life. And the only way they can communicate is through conflict.
Sometimes, people who are senior to you try to provoke you in public with certain damaging statements. However, if you do not get provoked, what can anyone do to you? Moreover, if you think that the people, who do such things to you, aren't worth a single thought of your time, I am sure you would feel very happy in life.
1. When I leave my place of work, the moment I am out of the building, I forget what happened and then appreciate the world around.
2 If I have clear evidence, somebody is jealous of me, I also tell myself, "Wow, Roomy, you must be doing pretty well in life". So, somebody being jealous is, in fact, a morale booster.
I understand that homeschooling and home study has become important in recent times and it might be on the upside especially in times of recession. I would like to be of help to anyone across the world if they would like me to write posts on subjects/areas which might be of help to them. I would be glad to do my little bit. I sincerely believe that knowledge increases if one spreads it around.